MK12  中1英語 基本問題プリント 1-6-3 三単現3  氏名(         )CQ123
【130】次の文の主語を[  ]内の語にかえて、英語のきまりに合うように全文を書きなおしなさい。 1-6-1
 1.You speak English.[ she ]         2.We play tennis every Sunday. [ Ken ]

 3.I study English. [ my sister ]      4.Yumi likes music. [ my sisters ]

 5.He has a new bike. [ I ]         6.My sister teaches Japanese. [ you ]

 7.Ken and Kumi are my friends. [ Kumi ]   8.I go to school. [ your brother ]

 9.My friends like soccer. [ my friend ]   10.Your sister is my friend. [ you ]

【131】英文 [ You play soccer.] について、次の問いに答えなさい。             1-6-2
 1.疑問文にしなさい。また、その疑問文に[ no ]で答える文を書きなさい。

 2.もとの文の主語を[ he ]にかえて、全文を書きなさい。

 3.2の文を疑問文にしなさい。また、その疑問文に[ no ]で答える文を書きなさい。

【132】次の文を疑問文にしなさい。また、[ ]のあるものはそれで答える文を書きなさい。
 1.Yumi has a nice bike. [ yes ]

 2.Yumi and Tomoko like music.

 3.Your brother studies English. [ no ]

【133】次の文を否定文にしなさい。                             1-6-3
 1.You play the piano.            2.He plays the piano.

 3.You are a teacher.             4.He is my brother.

 5.You study English every day.        6.Yumi studies English every day.

 7.My sister teaches Japanese.        8.I teach Japanese.

 9.She has some bags.             10.Your brother goes to school.




