MK12 中1英語 基本問題マスコン 1-9-2 現在進行形2 氏名(         )CQ131
【141】次の文の(   )に[  ]の代名詞を適する形にして書きなさい。(変えなくてもよい場合もある)
 [ I ]                    [ you ]
  1.(     ) bag is on the desk.     1.(     ) are my friend.
  2.This is (     ) bike.        2.That bag is (      ).
  3.(     ) play tennis every Sunday.  3.Does (     ) brother play tennis?
  4.Do you know (     )?        4.They know (     ).
  5.This bike is (      ).       5.This is (      ) pen.
 [ she ]                    [ he ]
  1.(      ) likes music.        1.(     ) name is Ken.
  2.I like (     ) brother.       2.I like (     ) brother.
  3.I like (     ).           3.I like (     ).
  4.(     ) bike is new.        4.(     ) likes soccer.
 [ we ]                    [ they ]
  1.Do you know (     )?        1.(      ) school is new.
  2.(     ) are brothers.        2.I know (      ) teacher.
  3.She is (     ) teacher.       3.I know (      ).
  4.(      ) school is old.       4.(      ) like soccer.
【142】次の文に now をつけて、現在進行形の文にしなさい。また、それを日本語にしなさい。   1-9-1
 1.She plays the piano.

 2.I study math.

 3.My father runs in the park.

 4.We use the computer.

 5.They listen to music.

 6.Ken and Kumi talk with a man.

【143】次の文を疑問文にしなさい。また、(  )の語で答える文も書きなさい。          1-9-2
 1.Masao watches TV every day. ( yes )

 2.Masao is watching TV now. ( yes )

 3.Ken and Yumi are playing tennis now. ( no )

【144】[Is your father using the computer now?]の the computer を what にかえた文にしなさい。



