Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題12  氏名(          ) DKQ12−1
【問題】次の英文を / の区切りごとに日本語にしなさい。また、後の問いに答えなさい。
 Keiko: What are you looking at,Mike?
 Mike:  The pictures I took in London.
 Keiko: Oh,you look nice / in the pictures.    When did you take them?
 Mike:  Well,...   (A)  last July.   In the summer,anyway.    (anyway:ともかく)
 Keiko: Really?   But you're wearing a sweater.            (sweater:セーター)
 Mike:  Yes.  This picture was taken in the evening.
      Even in the summer / it's cool early / in the morning and in the evening.
 Keiko: Your summer is very different,isn't it?
 Mike:  Yes.  Some People say / there are four seasons in one day / in my country.
        (B)  ,we have a beautiful morning,/ and a few hours later /
                it may become cloudy / and begin to rain in the afternoon.
 Keiko:        (C)         ,/ you mean?
 Mike:  Right.   It may become cold suddenly and become warm again soon.
       (D) ,I'm wearing a sweater in this picture / and a T−shirt in that picture.
Keiko: Oh,that's interesting.                     (T−shirt:Tシャツ)
 Mike:  I'll tell you another interesting thing.
      This ( strange/ may / to you / sound ),/ but the sun doesn't go down /
                        until about eight o'clock / in the summer.
 Keiko: Really?    I didn't know that .     It's new to me.
Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題12  氏名(          ) DKQ12−2
  (A) 1 sometimes  2 probably   3 again        4 never    (     )
  (B) 1 No      2 Fine     3 For example     4 I see    (     )
  (D) 1 I'm sorry  2 Excuse me  3 On the other hand  4 You see   (     )
  1 The weather is always the same
  2 The weather changes very quickly
  3 The temperature is always high in the summer
  4 The temperature doesn't change so often            答え (     )
【問3】下線部(E)の (   ) の中の語を並べかえて、正しい英文にしなさい。
【問4】下線部(F)の that はどのような内容を意味しているか。日本語で具体的に書きなさい。


