Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題18  氏名(          ) DKQ18
【問題】次の英文を / の区切りごとに日本語にしなさい。また、後の問いに答えなさい。
1 Have you ever thought about body language?
2 We often send messages with body language / instead of words.
3   If we don't have enough knowledge of body language,/
                     it may be   (A)   to understand foreign people.
4 For example, some people from abroad / may put their hands on their chests /
                                   when they mean “Me?”
5 We don't usually so / in our country.
6 When we use body language to say “ Come here,”/ they may think it means “ Go away.”
7 From these two examples, /
      you will learn /that      (B)                        
8 Do you know any other examples?
   (注) body language:ボディーランゲージ(身振り)    message:伝えたいこと,伝言
     instead:〜の代わりに    knowledge:知識     chest:胸
     1 interesting   2 difficult   3 easy   4 useful    (     )
     1 we can talk to other people without body language
     2 we always use the same body language in different countries
     3 body language is not as important as words
     4 body language is sometimes different in different countries   (     )
【問3】筆者は、body language はどのようなはたらきをしていると述べているか。


