Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題21  氏名(          ) DKQ21−1
【問題】次の英文を / の区切りごとに日本語にしなさい。また、後の問いに答えなさい。
1 Yuki is a junior high school student.   Her favorite class is English now.
2 She learned something very important last year.           (favorite:大好きな)
3 Ms. White is from the United States /           (given a speech:スピーチをする)
                 and sometimes comes to Yuki's school / to teach English.
4 One day,Yuki said to her,“ I need your  (A)  ,Ms. White.”
5 Yuki looked very worried.     “ What's the matter ?”Ms. White asked.
6 “ We have to give a speech/in Mr. Kimura's English class/and it's my (B) next week.
7 I haven't given a speech before.        What shall I do ?”Yuki said.
8 When Yuki was talking with Ms. White,/ some of her classmates came to them.
9 Ms. White smiled and said,/“I hear/all of you have to give a speech in English class.
10 Don't be worried about it.
11 When I was junior high school,/ I had to give many speeches in class.
12 My first speech was terrible.                     (nervous:緊張して)
13 I got very nervous / in front of my classmates / and I stopped again and again.
14 Everyone makes mistakes.   Your speech doesn't have to be  (C)  
15 Just enjoy it.     If you give many speeches,/ they will get better and better.”
16 Yuki and her friends listened Ms. White carefully.     (make mistakes:間違いをする)
17 “ Well,I'll tell you another important thing
18 Have you found a topic for your speech ?                  (topic:話題)
Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題21  氏名(          ) DKQ21−2
19 How about you,Yuki ?”     “ No,not yet,”Yuki answered.
20 “O.K.  Listen,”Ms. White said.
21 “ Try to find / something your friends will enjoy.
22 If you have a good topic,/ your classmates will be interested in your speech.
23 It may be  (E)  to speak / in front of a large group,/ but you can.
24 Ganbatte!” Everybody smiled.
25 “ Thank you,Ms. White.   We'll do our best,”they said with bright eyes.
26 At last the day came.    Yuki was now in front of her classmates.
27 She started her speech....
   (注) favorite:大好きな   given a speech:スピーチをする
      nervous:緊張して    make mistakes:間違いをする     topic:話題
     (A) 1 advice   2 address   3 goal   4 problem    (    )
     (B) 1 reason   2 pleasure   3 turn   4 interest   (    )
     (C) 1 strange   2 wrong    3 simple  4 perfect    (    )
     (D) 1 easy    2 hard     3 clear   4 mistaken   (    )
Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題21  氏名(          ) DKQ21−3
  1 Yuki didn't think giving a speech was difficult before she talked to Ms. White.
  2 Ms. White never got nervous when she gave a speech in her junior high school.
  3 Yuki and her friends became more worried when they were listening to Ms. White.
  4 Yuki and her friends decided to try hard to give a speech in English.
                                        (    )
【問4】次は、後日 Yuki が Ms. White と出会った時の会話の一部である。文中の下線部
Yuki:   Good morning,Ms. White.
Ms. White: Hi,Yuki.        was your speech ?  Did you do well ?
Yuki:   Yes,I think I did a good job.
       When I finished speaking,my classmates said,“ Wonderful!”
Ms. White: Good.       What did your English        say ?
Yuki:   Mr. Kimura said,“ All the students enjoyed your speech.
       Your subject was very interesting.”
Ms. White: What did you talk about ?
Yuki:   I talked about my      .I want to be a nurse and take care of sick children.
       I like the smiling faces of children.
Ms. White: That's a good topic.   I'm very       to hear you did a good job.
Yuki:   Thank you very much,Ms. White.


