Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題5 氏名(             ) DKQ5−1
【問題】次の英文を / の区切りごとに日本語にしなさい。また、後の問いに答えなさい。
 1.How do you spend your time / when you don't have to go to school?
 2.Do you watch TV or read book?
 3.It is good to do so,/ because you can relax and learn many things from them.
 4.(  @  ) you should not spend a very long time / only in your house.
 5.How about going to the mountains,revers,or the sea / with your family or friend?
 6.It is also wonderful to go to natural places.
 7.You are able to enjoy and learn a lot of things.
 8.For example,if you go to the mountains,/ you will hear the songs of birds,
      see many kinds of beautiful flowers and trees,/ and enjoy a lot of other things.
 9.You can think about nature and yourself.
 10.You will learn / that you are very small and must live (  B  ) it.
 11.You will also find out / many other important and wonderful things /
                                that you have never ( learn )
    (注)  relax:リラックスする     should not 〜:〜すべきでない
       natural:自然の        nature:自然
       yourself:あなた自身     find out:発見する
Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題5 氏名(            ) DKQ5−2
【問1】( @ )に最も適する語をア〜エの中から選び、記号で書きなさい。
     ア And   イ Or  ウ So   エ But           (     )
【問2】下線部Aと同じ意味の語を1語、本文中からさがして書きなさい。  (       )
【問3】( B )に最も適する語をア〜エの中から選び、記号で書きなさい。
    ア with  イ to  ウ without  エ from         (     )
【問4】Cの(  )の中の語を最も適する形になおして書きなさい。    (        )
  ア You can relax if you watch TV or read books.
  イ How about going to natural places? You will be able to enjoy and learn many things.
  ウ You have to go to the mountains,because they are the best places to visit.
  エ You can not think about nature and yourself if you go to the revers or the sea.
                                      (     )


