Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題6 氏名(            ) DKQ6−1
【問題】次の英文を / の区切りごとに日本語にしなさい。また、後の問いに答えなさい。 
 1.The train stopped at a station.    A little girl and her mother came in.
 2.The girl cried,/“Look,Mother. A nice dog!  I want a dog like that.”
 3.She tried to go near the dog to touch it.
 4.Her mother said,/“ Stop that. It has a harness. It's a guide dog.”
 5.“What's that?”asked the girl in surprise.
 6.She looked at the dog and an old man holding the harness.
 7.When the old man heard that question,he turned to the girl and said,/
                   “Guide dogs help people who can't see like me.
 8.For example,this dog always guides me / on the streets or on trains.
 9.(  (B)  ) the dog,I can go out into the streets or take trains,”
 10.“But I don't know why I can't touch it,”said the girl.
11.The old man said,/“The dog and I can understand each other/with the help of the harness.
 12.If you touch the dog or his harness suddenly,he feels uneasy.
 13.Then ( for,difficult,us,it's ) / to understand each other well.”
 14.The mother said,“You see,/
   the harness is something like a language/which is used between this man and his dog.”
 15.“Oh,I see,”said the girl.
 16.“Guide dogs are very clever.
 17.They know /how to help us and what to do for us,”/said the old man.
 18.“Thank you for telling us about guide dog,”said the mother.
Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題6 氏名(            ) DKQ6−2
 19.When the old man and his dog were going to leave the train at the next station,/
     the girl said to him,/“Thank you very much. Your talk was interesting. Good-by.”
 20.“Now you understand guide dog.  I'm very happy.
 21.Have a nice day,”he said / and walked out of the train with his dog.
   (注)  harness:ハーネス(盲導犬の胴輪)   turn to 〜:〜の方へ体を向ける
      guide dog:盲導犬   guide:先に立って案内する   feel uneasy:不安になる
    / station    / stopped    / touch     / other     / surprise
   1|       2|       3|       4|       5|
    \ came     \ cried     \ suddenly    \ something   \ difficult
                                     (       )
【問2】下線部(A)で 「そんなことをしてはいけませんよ。」 とあるが、何をしてはいけないのか。
     1 盲導犬をじろじろ見つめること。       2 電車の中で大声でさわぐこと。
     3 電車のなかで知らない人にはなしかけること。 4 盲導犬に近づいてさわること。
                                     (      )
     1 At the foot of   2 Thanks to    3 Without    4 Away from
                                     (      )
【問4】下線部(C)の(   )の中の後を並べかえて、正しい文にしなさい。
    Then                      to understand each other well.
【問6】次の英文を、本文の内容に合うようにするには、文中の (a)〜(d) にどのような英語を
 On a      a girl and her mother saw a guide dog and an old man who could not     
    (a)                                     (b)
 The      didn't know about guide dogs. 
 The old man talked about them and then for the       time the girl knew what they were.
 The three people enjoyed talking for some time that day.


