Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題7(会話) 氏名(          ) DKQ7−1
【問題】次の英文を / の区切りごとに日本語にしなさい。また、後の問いに答えなさい。
 Mother: What would you like to have,Tom ?
 Tom:  I like Japanese food.
 Father: Oh,   (A)   Do you like sushi,then ?
 Tom:  Yes,I do.   A lot of Americans like it.
                                。               _
 Masao: I want to eat sukiyaki today.
 Tom:  Sukiyaki I can't imagine /( It / what / like / looks ).
      May I take a look at the menu,please ?
 Father: Sure.   (C)     This menu has pictures.
 Tom:  Thank you.  Everything look beautiful.  Which is sukiyaki
 Masao: This is sukiyaki,Tom.   Why don't you try it ?
 Tom:    (D)      O.K.     I'll try.
 Mother: I'll have sukiyaki,too.
 Father: All right.  Let's eat sukiyaki
 Masao: Tom,we cook sukiyaki in a pan on the table and eat it together.
 Tom:  All of us take the food from one pan,/ you mean ?
 Father: That's right.  We usually eat it that way in Japan.
 Tom:  That sounds interesting.
     (注) imagine:想像する   menu:メニュー    pan: (すきやき)なべ
        Let me see.:そうですねえ・・。
Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題7(会話) 氏名(          ) DKQ7−2
    (A) 1 I'm fine.  2 too bad.    3 really?    4 are you?
    (C) 1 Here we are. 2 Here you are. 3 Yes,you may  4 No,you may not.
    (D) 1 Excuse me.  2 Help yourself  3 Don't worry.  4 Let me see.
                      (A)      (C)      (D)    _
【問2】下線部(B)の (   )の中の語を並べかえて、正しい文にしなさい。
【問3】下線部(E)で 「それはおもしろそうですね。」とあるが、何をどのようにすることが


