マスコン 中1英語 基本問題プリント 1-6-3 三単現3 氏名( 解 答 )CA123 【130】次の文の主語を[ ]内の語にかえて、英語のきまりに合うように全文を書きなおしなさい。 1-6-1 (課題:三単現) 1.You speak English.[ she ] 2.We play tennis every Sunday. [ Ken ] She speaks English. Ken plays tennis every Sunday. 3.I study English. [ my sister ] 4.Yumi likes music. [ my sisters ] My sister studies English. My sisters like music. 5.He has a new bike. [ I ] 6.My sister teaches Japanese. [ you ] I have a new bike. You teach Japanese. 7.Ken and Kumi are my friends. [ Kumi ] 8.I go to school. [ your brother ] Kumi is my friend. Your brother goes to school. 9.My friends like soccer. [ my friend ] 10.Your sister is my friend. [ you ] My friend likes soccer. You are my friend. 【131】英文 [ You play soccer.] について、次の問いに答えなさい。 (課題:三単現の疑問文) 1-6-2 1.疑問文にしなさい。また、その疑問文に[ no ]で答える文を書きなさい。 Do you play soccer? No,I don't. ( No,I do not.) 2.もとの文の主語を[ he ]にかえて、全文を書きなさい。 He plays soccer. 3.2の文を疑問文にしなさい。また、その疑問文に[ no ]で答える文を書きなさい。 Does he play soccer? No,he doesn't. ( No,he does not.) 【132】次の文を疑問文にしなさい。また、[ ]のあるものはそれで答える文を書きなさい。 1.Yumi has a nice bike. [ yes ] Does Yumi have a nice bike? Yes,she does. 2.Yumi and Tomoko like music. Do Yumi and Tomoko like music? (主語は複数) 3.Your brother studies English. [ no ] Does your brother study English? No,he doesn't. 【133】次の文を否定文にしなさい。 (課題:三単現の否定文) 1-6-3 1.You play the piano. 2.He plays the piano. (do not) (does not) You don't play the piano. He doesn't play the piano. 3.You are a teacher. 4.He is my brother. (aren't) (isn't) You are not a teacher. He is not my brother. 5.You study English every day. 6.Yumi studies English every day. You don't study English every day. Yumi doesn't study English every day. 7.My sister teaches Japanese. 8.I teach Japanese. My sister doesn't teach Japanese. I don't teach Japanese. 9.She has some bags. 10.Your brother goes to school. She doesn't have any bags. Your brother doesn't go to school.