マスコン 中1英語 基本問題プリント 1-7-2 今何時? 氏名( 解 答 )CA125 【133】次の文を否定文にしなさい。 (課題:三単現の否定文) 1-6-3 1.You play the piano. 2.He plays the piano. (do not) (does not) You don't play the piano. He doesn't play the piano. 3.You are a teacher. 4.He is my brother. (aren't) (isn't) You are not a teacher. He is not my brother. 5.You study English every day. 6.Yumi studies English every day. You don't study English every day. Yumi doesn't study English every day. 7.My sister teaches Japanese. 8.I teach Japanese. My sister doesn't teach Japanese. I don't teach Japanese. 9.She has some bags. 10.Your brother goes to school. She doesn't have any bags. Your brother doesn't go to school. 【134】次の日本語の意味になるように、( )に適する英語を書きなさい。 1-7-1 [参考:how,often,many,near,who,between,from,after,only,to,・・・・] 1.クミとは だれですか。 彼女は 私の友達です。 ( Who )( is ) Kumi? ( She ) is my friend. _ 2.これは 私の家です。 これは 私の家の近くにあります。 This ( is ) my house. This ( is )( near ) my house. _ 3.あなたは 何枚のCDを持っていますか。 5枚持っているだけです。 ( How )( many ) CDs do you have? I ( only )( have ) 5. _ 4.私は 月曜日から金曜日まで放課後にテニスをします。 I play tennis ( after ) school ( from ) Monday ( to ) Friday. _ 5.彼は よく日曜日に野球をします。 (私達は)授業と授業の間は10分あります。 He ( often ) plays baseball every Sunday. We have ten minutes ( between ) classes._ 【135】次の日本語を英語にしなさい。 (課題:時刻,天気) 1-7-2 [参考: how,what,rainy,cloudy,sunny,time,Sydney,afternoon,five,three,evening, weather,twenty,thirty,fifty,morning,・・・] 1.何時ですか。 5時50分です。 What time is it? It's five fifty. 2.シドニーでは 今 何時ですか。 夕方の7時35分です。 What time is it in Sydney now? It's seven thirty−five in the evening. 3.午前 9時23分です。 4.午後 1時10分です。 It's nine twenty-three in the morning. It's one ten in the afternoon. 5.大阪の天気はどうですか。 晴れです。 How's the weather in Osaka? It's sunny. 6.雨です。 曇りです。 It's rainy. It's cloudy.