マスコン 中1英語 基本問題プリント 1-10-3 when 氏名( 解 答 )CA135 【146】次の文を can を加えた文に書きかえなさい。また、それを日本語にしなさい。 1-10-1 (課題:助動詞can) 1.You speak English well. You can speak English well. あなたは 上手に英語を話せます。(話すことができる) 2.He plays the guitar. He can play the guitar. 彼は ギターをひくことができます。(ギターをひけます) 【147】次の文を否定文にしなさい。 1.She is in Kyoto now.(be動詞の文) 2.She plays the piano.(一般動詞の文) She isn't in Kyoto now. She doesn't play the piano. 3.She can play the piano.(canの文) 4.He can swim fast. She cannot play the piano. He cannot swim fast. 【148】次の文を疑問文にしなさい。また、それに yes,no で答える文も書きなさい。 1-10-2 (課題:助動詞canの疑問文) 1.She is in Kyoto now. (be動詞の文) Is she in Kyoto now? Yes,she is. No,she isn't. 2.She plays the piano. (一般動詞の文) Does she play the piano? Yes,she does. No,she doesn't. 3.She can play the piano. (助動詞canの文) (can't,can not) Can she play the piano? Yes,she can. No,she cannot. 4.She is playing the piano now. (現在進行形の文) Is she playing the piano now? Yes,she is. No,she isn't. 5.You can speak English well. Can you speak English well? Yes,I can. No,I cannot. 【149】次の文の適するところを( )の語にかえた疑問文にしなさい。また、それを日本語にせよ。 (課題:when,疑問詞) 1-10-3 1.He is fourteen.( how old ) How old is he? 彼は 何歳ですか。 2.Your bag is on the table. ( where ) Where is your bag? あなたのバッグは どこにありますか。 3.She plays tennis every Sunday. ( when ) When does she play tennis? 彼女は いつテニスをしますか。 4.This is her bag. ( whose ) (このバッグは だれのですか) Whose bag is this? [Whose is this bag?] これは だれのバッグですか。 5.You usually study from eight to nine. ( when ) When do you (usually) study? あたなは (ふつう)いつ勉強しますか。 6.She has three bags. ( how many ) (いくつのバッグを持っていますか) How many gabs does she have? 彼女は バッグをいくつ持っていますか。