中2英語 文法解説 2-3-4 ( 確認問題1 ) [25〜27] 氏名( )GQ214
1.Why do you use a computer? To exchange e-mail.
2.I use a computer to surf the Internet.
3.I use a computer to play games.
4.I want to get a computer.
5.I want to learn about people around the world.
6.That sounds interesting.
7.When do you start to study English?
8.In Korea we start to study English in the third grade.
9.Is it difficult for you?
10.I hope to hear from you soon.
11.They speak different languages.
12.So we use English as a common language.
13.We use English to study most subjects.
【問題2】次の( )にてきするものを選んで書きなさい。
[ seventh,thirteen,easy,April,Japan,for,to,rice ]
1.I'm ( ) and I live in ( ). We eat ( ).
2.School starts in ( ).
3.We start ( ) study English in the ( ) grade.
4.English is ( ) for me.
5.Is it easy ( ) you?