中2英語 文法解説 2-RP3 (覚えてく語) [84〜87] 氏名( )GQ236
1.no+名詞:[少しも〜ない,1つも〜ない] の意味で強い否定
2.someone:[だれか] の意味で、肯定文で使う
3.anyone:[だれも,だれか] の意味で、否定文,疑問文で使う
4.look into 〜:〜の中をのぞく (into は動きをともなって中へ)
5.wash 〜 away:〜を押し流す (〜が名詞のときは wash away 〜 も可)
6.from far away:遠くから
7.〜 and so on:〜など
8.go by:(時間が)過ぎる
9.fill up:いっぱいになる
10.worry about 〜:〜のことを心配する
11.a few:[少数,いくらかの] の意味で数に使う (量のときは a little)
12.look up:見上げる
13.fall down:落ちる
1.A storm washed the tree away. Three days went by.
2.He looked into the shop.
3.I don't have money.
4.I have no money.
5.There was someone in the room.
6.Can anyone answer this question?
7.There wasn't anyone in the room.
8.I only watched it for a few minutes.
9.I am worrying about him.