Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題15 氏名( ) DKQ15−1
【問題】次の英文を / の区切りごとに日本語にしなさい。また、後の問いに答えなさい。
Kumi: Hi,Paul. You don't look happy. (A) ?
Paul: I forgot my bag on the bus / when I came here.
(to / know / I / do / what / don't) . (bus terminal:バスの終点)
Kumi: Oh,no...let me see... Why don't we call the bus terminal first ?
I'll ask about your bag / for you. (let me see:ええと)
Paul: Oh,you're very kind.
Kumi: Will you tell me / about your bag,Paul ? (trumpet:トランペット)
Paul: Well,it's a black bag / with a picture of a trumpet on it.
Kumi: Is it new ?
Paul: (C) . I've used it / for more than two years.
I had some books and notebooks / in it.
Kumi: Did you have any money in it ?
Paul: Yes,but not much.
Kumi: (D) ?
Paul: I think that's all.
Kumi: All right. I'll call now.
Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題15 氏名( ) DKQ15−2
(After the Pone call)
Kumi: You're lucky,Paul. Your bag is in the bus terminal. (lucky:運がよい)
Paul: Oh,really ? I'm very happy. (thanks to 〜:〜のおかげで)
Thanks to your help ,/ I'll be able to get it back.
Kumi: I hear there's also a lunch box in it.
Paul: Oh,I forgot about that.
(A) 1 Who cares 2 What's wrong 3 Are you kidding 4 You know what ( )
(C) 1 Not really 2 That's right 3 No,not yet 4 I see ( )
(D) 1 What's that 2 What else 3 How about you 4 How much ( )
【問2】下線部(B)の ( )の中の語を並べかえて、正しい英文にしなさい。
【問3】下線部(E)の your help とは何か。その内容を、日本語で具体的に答えなさい。
1 some books,some notebooks,a lunch box
2 a trumpet,some books,some money
3 some books,some notebooks,some money,a lunch box
4 a trumpet,some books,some notebooks,some money ( )