Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題19 氏名( ) DKQ19−1
【問題】次の英文を / の区切りごとに日本語にしなさい。また、後の問いに答えなさい。
[ 久美(Kumi)とMaryの会話 ]
Kumi: I went to the flea market / with my brother / last Sunday.
Did you go there,too ? ( flea market:フリーマーケット)
Mary: No,I didn't. Did you find anything interesting ? ( cloth:服 )
Kumi: Yes,I( kinds/ things/ found/ of/ different ) /such as old clothes,CDs and books.
There were also some traditional Japanese things. ( traditional:伝統的な )
Mary: (B) Kimono, chawan and so on ?
Kumi: That's right. They were old but good.
We should not throw away / things which are still useful.
We can buy or sell them. What do you think ?
Mary: I think so,too. We also have flea markets in my country.
It's good for recycling,isn't it ?
Kumi: (D) . It's important for us to think about recycling.
Mary: Well,did you buy anything ?
Kumi: No,I didn't, but my brother bought some CDs.
It was fun to walk around at the flea market.
Mary: Please take me to the flea market / next time.
Kumi: Sure. (E) we'll find some interesting things.
(注) flea market:フリーマーケット(中古品バザー) cloth:服
Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題19 氏名( ) DKQ19−2
【問1】下線部(A)の ( )の中の語を並べかえて、正しい英文にしなさい。
I such as old 〜 _
(B) 1 You know 2 You mean 3 How were 4 How about ( )
(D) 1 You're welcome 2 You're wrong 3 I agree 4 I remember ( )
(E) 1 I hope 2 I learn 3 I'm afraid 4 I'm sorry ( )
【問3】下線部(C)で、Mary は 「 私もあなたと同じ考えです。」 と言っているが、それは