Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題4 氏名( ) DQA4−1
【問題】次の英文を / の区切りごとに日本語にしなさい。また、後の問いに答えなさい。
1.Bob and Mike are good friend. They go to the same school.
2.One Sunday after noon they went to the library.
3.They wanted to read / about famous places in America.
4.They looked at a book about the Grand Canyon.
5.“ What does the word‘canyon’mean?”asked Bob.
6.“( @ )”said Mike. “ Let's look it up in the dictionary.”
7.Bob and Mike talked about the word‘canyon’and their voices became loud.
8.A woman came to Bob and Mike's table and said,/
“ If you are going to talk,please talk quietly.”
9.“ We are sorry,”said Bob and Mike,and they began to talk quietly.
10.Soon a high school student came in and sat ( A ) a table near Bob and Mike.
11.The student ( study ) very hard,but after twenty minutes,he went to sleep there.
12.The student began to snore / when other people were reading.
13.Bob and Mike looked at each other / because the student was very loud.
14.Mike wrote on his paper,/“ If you are going to sleep,please sleep quietly.”
15.Mike put the paper on the student's table. They closed their notebooks and went home.
16.Soon the student opened his eyes and saw Mike's paper.
17.He began to laugh,and said,/“( paper, who, this,here,put ) ?”
18.But there was no one near his table. The student began to study again.
(注) the Grand Canyon:グランドキャニオン loud:(声が)大きい、うるさい [ラウ(ドゥ)]
quietly:静かに snore:いびきをかく [スノア〜]
Eプリント 中3英語 読解問題4 氏名( ) DKQ4−2
【問1】@の( )内に入る適当な文を下から選び、記号で答えなさい。
ア No,I don't. イ I don't know. ウ Everyone knows it. エ I know it well.
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【問2】Aの( )内に入る適当な文を下から選び、記号で答えなさい。
ア at イ of ウ among エ between ( )
【問3】Bの( )内の語を適する形にしなさい。 ( )
【問4】下線部Cの Mike's paper には何と書かれていたか。本文中から適当な文を抜き出し、
( )
【問5】下線部Dの( )内の語を並べかえて、意味の通る英文にしなさい。
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ア Bob and Mike wanted to study American music in the library.
イ A woman came to Bob and Mike and talked about the Grand Canyon.
ウ The high school student could not understand Mike's words at all.
エ The high school student was very loud when he was sleeping.
( )